Welcome Yahoo to bookmarks club

Yahoo also board the flight of bookmarks organizing sites and with its new new beta lunch named MyWeb to organize and share your bookmarks.
Here Yahoo has done a interesting thing of combining personalized page, bookmarks organization, sharing your likening and above all Yahoo search with all them.
Tag your pages and favorites to post them on Yahoo MyWeb

Login with your Yahoo id and start putting your bookmarks at one place. tag them and see the popular links submitted by others and explore. I think Yahoo will integrate it with Yahoo toolbar so also touching the features of Stumbleupon and giving the users all features in one place.
It looks a good starting but lets see how it scales. We already have so many social bookmarks site and one more than it should have something extra to get more users.As it can be associated with yahoo id so sounds good so consolidation of your links.

Get Full Google in Firefox

Here comes the biggest Google Plugin for Firefox. It has 53 Google utilities build in it. So select the required service and get going.
It now includes Google Experimental, Google Labs and Google Sets also.

You can get this GUTIL from firefox extension page.

Just download it and add on your Firefox. But it seems to be a bookmarks bar and it would be better if all these links are included in Google toolbar itself.
But most of the Google apps are still in beta stage and they are integrating them to toolbar after pretty long time. So lets see when these apps are included in official release ...

RSS Feeds on Orkut

Orkut now added a Feeds reader inside it and you can read the feed from orkut page only. Also Orkut is asking the user to use Blogger to start a blog.
These new features are added in addition to Picasa web albums which was recently added to orkut.

This will allow users to check their feeds in Orkut only and no need to go through any external feed reader.This will also allow users to showcase their feeds.

Own your Wiki page

Now you can purchase a Wiki Page and own it for life. The Million Dollar Wiki is a a wiki where each page must be purchased and thus has a single owner. So you just purchase the page and put your contents on that page.
Just for thinking...
You can sell a page later on and suppose you book some good name and get a buyer for high price. So you can try this.
So you can buy it for $100 per page , sounds expensive offcourse until the site become popular.

According to Graham Langdon's idea:
Think of this site like Wikipedia. There is a page for literally every word you can think of. The difference is, instead of anyone being able to edit the content, you have to purchase a word (page) from site. The person then owns that page. The idea is simple: to try and make $1m (US) by selling 10,000 words in my wiki for $100 each. Hence, 'The Million Dollar Wiki".

Everyone is welcome to buy the words. Just think how much traffic you can potentially get for $100! Think of how many people you can get your message out to! The url is simple too. For example, if you purchase the page for "Car", the address of that page is MillionDollarWiki.com/Car -what could be easier than that?! If you own that word, you can turn around and sell it down the road too!

You can buy as many words as you like, as long as they're available. To see if they're available, do a search for the word. If the page doesn't exist yet, you can order it.

But according to me ,
idea sounds intresting but tehre are some loop holes. Means what if some brand name comes up with a similar site then this site will loose its shine.
lets see the future...


Your family and friends are dear to you. You want to make the details of your life easy to manage in the event of your passing. With YouDeparted you can help your loved ones by providing them with everything they need to settle your estate in one single secure location.

All the details of your life in one place. With YouDeparted you can store vast amounts of information including:

* The locations and copies of important documents such as vehicle titles, real estate deeds and life insurance policies
* Bank account, combination lock, and safety deposit box numbers including the location of access keys
* Private messages to your loved ones including written and video

According to YouDeparted Site :

Everything you store at YouDeparted is protected with the strongest security available. By using the same encryption technology the National Security Agency (NSA) uses to transmit classified documents, you can rest assured that even your most sensitive of information will remain safe. Guaranteed.

As a member, you will specify one or more individuals who will have the power to release information by unlocking your account. When the individuals specified log in and request your account to be unlocked, the information and instructions you stored can be released. Letters, emails, notifications, last words and everything else you leave behind will be automatically delivered as per your specifications.

Visit http://www.youdeparted.com/
It sounds intresting

Pandora radio - your own radio channel

Here comes the age of personalized radio station. Just put the artist or songs and listen the full fledge radio station related to the same.
With Pandora you can explore this vast trove of music to your heart's content. Just drop the name of one of your favorite songs or artists into Pandora and let the Genome Project go. It will quickly scan its entire world of analyzed music, almost a century of popular recordings - new and old, well known and completely obscure - to find songs with interesting musical similarities to your choice. Then sit back and enjoy as it creates a listening experience full of current and soon-to-be favorite songs for you.

You can create as many "stations" as you want. And you can even refine them. If it's not quite right you can tell it so and it will get better for you.

Visit http://www.pandora.com/

Now Offline Web Applications - Google

Google started a beta to merge offline and online applications. "Google Gears (BETA)" is an open source browser extension that enables web applications to provide offline functionality using JavaScript APIs.

Getting Started According to Google Gears about page:

First, if you haven't already, install Google Gears on your computer to be able to use the sample applications and tools.

Going Offline
The first thing you need to run a web application offline is the ability to start it without an Internet connection. This is the purpose of the LocalServer module.

For a fast introduction to taking web content offline, work through the tutorial Enabling Static Files to Work Offline using Gears. You will be introduced to the LocalServer API and the manifest file, the key components that cache your application's resources and make it available offline.

Storing User's Data
Applications that are more than just static files have data that is typically stored on the server. For the application to be useful offline, this data must be accessible locally. The Database module provides a relational database for storing data. On the Architecture page you will find a discussion of strategies for designing the local storage that your application needs.

When an offline application reconnects, you will need to synchronize any changes made in the local database with the server. There are many different approaches to synchronizing data, and there is no single perfect approach. The Architecture page describes some strategies for synching.

An additional feature of the Google Gears database is Full-Text Search, providing a fast way to search text within a database file. Read the details here.

When synchronizing large amounts of data, you may find that the database operations begin to affect the responsiveness of the browser. The WorkerPool allows you to move your database operations to the background to keep the browser responsive.

The WorkerPool is useful for any expensive operations that slow down the UI.

Next Steps
Check out the Resources and Tools on http://gears.google.com/ to download useful files and sample applications.

May 30 is D-Day for Firefox 1.5

May 30 is D-Day for Firefox 1.5 by ZDNet's Ryan Naraine -- Barring any "show-stopper issues" during the testing process, security and stability support for Mozilla Firefox 1.5 will expire on May 30.

New Google Web Toolbar

Now Google has comeup with a very cool idea of what we will say Web Toolbar

Google Homepage and every other page has a strip of options running at the top so that you can select any Google Service from one click only.

Select Images, Gmail, Blog, Orkut and all from there only
So now start the age of Web Toolbar

Is Microsoft listing...

Google is failing the Microsoft litmus test

Google is failing the Microsoft litmus test by ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley -- If you want to evaluate the "evil" quotient of any company's strategy/behavior, consider how you'd feel about it if it were Microsoft in the driver seat. Then ask whether there is there a double standard when it comes to Google and Microsoft. Should there be?

Live Folder - Microsoft to lunch Online Storage

Microsoft is planing to lunch Live Folders a service for free online storage. this is done to add one more feature to the Live family. MS really want to make Live family a big hit and popular so they are adding new and new features everyday.
According to some resources they will give 500 MB space initially. Although it is very small considering that some websites are already giving free spaces in GB. AOL is one of the big name already in this field.

So now the MS Live ID can be used for storing all your documents, audio.video and anything but still in beta only.
So it maybe call LiveDrive but we don't know when it will be open to public. Maybe by then all people would have gone to other storage offering sites.

Smiles on GTalk ...

Hey guys, now u have smiles for Google talk also
Yes google has added smiles to talk but only for Gtalk gadget on the IGoogle
Now It can be pop out and used as a cool web messenger.
So just add Gtalk to your iGoogle homepage and esend messages along with smiles

Just go to

and add Gtalk to your iGoogle

Confirmed: TV networks launch “YouTube killer”

Confirmed: TV networks launch “YouTube killer” by ZDNet's Steve O'Hear -- News has come in via TechCrunch that the rumored joint venture between the major television networks to create a video sharing site of their own has finally become a reality. Call it 'trial separation' or a full-on divorce, but it certainly feels like this is the beginning of User-Generated Content and professional productions going their separate ways.

Go An Idea !

Open Innovation Portel , this the tag line for a new startup portel named "Ideawicket.com".
According to the portel: The name Ideawicket is derived from the words ‘idea’ and ‘wicket’. Webster online defines wicket as “a small gate or door; especially: one forming part of or placed near a larger gate or door”.

So just post any new idea/innovation and get noticed. Who know your idea get noticed by some industry person and get implemented.

So start innovating

Google Maps adds new support for GeoRSS and KML

Google Maps adds new support for GeoRSS and KML by ZDNet's Garett Rogers -- Today the Google Maps team announced some important additions to the Google Maps product and its API. According to Nigel Tao, the current version of Google Maps now supports GeoRSS (Simple, GML and W3C Geo) formats — to import a GeoRSS file, simply "search" for the URL of one. Give this link a shot. An [...]


Yes, The biggest mailbox has arrived and there is one fact sure that it will always be the Biggest Inbox avalibale in the online world.
Because it is UNLIMITED and that is true. Rediff mail has launched the unlimited mailbox first time in the fast growing net world.This has been done to capture the growing base of mail users.Now keep anything and everything in the mailbox and no need to delete anything.Keep your audio , video , documents or pictures and no need to delete them for ever.

So visit http://www.rediff.com/ and

Is Google phone Really coming?

There are lots of rumers going on in web market about Google lunching a phone. So we may see "gPhone" very soon. Google may be targeting the customers in the countries where GPS can be implemented.
I think this will be another thunder device from Google which is growing and inventing at much faster rate now. This phone must have all the Google apps preloaded onto it so this may be one stop solution for all needs.

Share, Write, Read

Scribd is a new web 2.0 invention to share your documents. You can call it YouTube of Documents.The documensts can be uploaded in any format ranging from word, txt to pdf. It is in starting stage but it has already buzzed the Internet world. You may find a lot of good things on this. Share your documants and read that rae alreday shared by others.

So visit