Confirmed: TV networks launch “YouTube killer”

Confirmed: TV networks launch “YouTube killer” by ZDNet's Steve O'Hear -- News has come in via TechCrunch that the rumored joint venture between the major television networks to create a video sharing site of their own has finally become a reality. Call it 'trial separation' or a full-on divorce, but it certainly feels like this is the beginning of User-Generated Content and professional productions going their separate ways.

Go An Idea !

Open Innovation Portel , this the tag line for a new startup portel named "".
According to the portel: The name Ideawicket is derived from the words ‘idea’ and ‘wicket’. Webster online defines wicket as “a small gate or door; especially: one forming part of or placed near a larger gate or door”.

So just post any new idea/innovation and get noticed. Who know your idea get noticed by some industry person and get implemented.

So start innovating

Google Maps adds new support for GeoRSS and KML

Google Maps adds new support for GeoRSS and KML by ZDNet's Garett Rogers -- Today the Google Maps team announced some important additions to the Google Maps product and its API. According to Nigel Tao, the current version of Google Maps now supports GeoRSS (Simple, GML and W3C Geo) formats — to import a GeoRSS file, simply "search" for the URL of one. Give this link a shot. An [...]


Yes, The biggest mailbox has arrived and there is one fact sure that it will always be the Biggest Inbox avalibale in the online world.
Because it is UNLIMITED and that is true. Rediff mail has launched the unlimited mailbox first time in the fast growing net world.This has been done to capture the growing base of mail users.Now keep anything and everything in the mailbox and no need to delete anything.Keep your audio , video , documents or pictures and no need to delete them for ever.

So visit and

Is Google phone Really coming?

There are lots of rumers going on in web market about Google lunching a phone. So we may see "gPhone" very soon. Google may be targeting the customers in the countries where GPS can be implemented.
I think this will be another thunder device from Google which is growing and inventing at much faster rate now. This phone must have all the Google apps preloaded onto it so this may be one stop solution for all needs.

Share, Write, Read

Scribd is a new web 2.0 invention to share your documents. You can call it YouTube of Documents.The documensts can be uploaded in any format ranging from word, txt to pdf. It is in starting stage but it has already buzzed the Internet world. You may find a lot of good things on this. Share your documants and read that rae alreday shared by others.

So visit